
php code generator for immutable value objects

View the Project on GitHub MarvinWank/vog


The generate-typescript subcommand allows you to generate typescript interfaces and types from existing vog definitions. It takes two additional arguments: The path to the definition file and the output file. All generated types and interface will be written to the same file.

Note: namespaces are ignored by this command. All typescript files will be written to the same directory.

value objects

generate-typescript will create typescript interfaces from value objects. Example:

      "type": "valueObject",
      "name": "Recipe",
      "values": {
        "title": "string",
        "minutesToPrepare": "?int",
        "rating": "float",
        "dietStyle": "DietStyle"
      "string_value": "title"

Will result in

interface Recipe {
    title: string
    minutesToPrepare?: int
    rating: float,
    dietStyle: DietStyle

Note: Non-primitive types have to be defined in the same value file.


generate-typescript will create typescript enums from enums or nullable Enums.

Note: enums and nullableEnums will result in the same typescript enum


      "type": "enum",
      "name": "DietStyle",
      "values": {
        "OMNIVORE": "Omnivore",
        "VEGETARIAN": "Vegetarian",
        "VEGAN": "Vegan"

will result in

export enum DietStyle {
	OMNIVORE = 'Omnivore',
	VEGETARIAN = 'Vegetarian',
	VEGAN = 'Vegan',


Since typescript natively supports generics, Sets will be simply be converted to an array of the given type.


      "type": "set",
      "name": "RecipeSet",
      "itemType": "Recipe"

will result in

export type RecipeSet = Array<Recipe>

Keep in mind that non-primitve data types must be defined in the same .ts File, there is no automatic import.