
php code generator for immutable value objects

View the Project on GitHub MarvinWank/vog


Vog comes with a default config explicitly stating all available options.

    "generatorOptions": {
        "target": "MODE_PSR2",
        "dateTimeFormat": "Y-m-d"

You may alter the configuration, but

I know this is an annoying restraint I am working on it.

Currently, only generator Options are available, but more will follow


Option target

This config options changes the code style of the generated PHP-objects. Assume you define a property as "property_name": "string" in your definition file:

MODE_FPP is for providing compatibility to fpp. It is not generally recommended as it vioaltes PSR2.

Method Type PSR2 FPP Notes
Getter getPropertyName(): string property_name(): string  
Fluent getter withPropertyName(string $propertyName): self with_property_name(string $property_Name): self  
Setter setPropertyName(string $propertyName) set_property_name(string $property_name) if defined mutable

MODE_PSR2 converts snake_case definitions into camelCase getters, setters and variable names.

MODE_FPP does NOT convert camelCase definitions into snake_case PHP-representations.

Option dateTimeFormat

Defines which format vog expects when it creates a PHP-DateTimeImmutable object form string int formArray. The global value may be overwritten by an object-specific value. See the valueObject-section on the definition file

Option toArrayMode

When set to DEEP, the result of an toArray call on a value object will be a (multidimensional) array of primitive types. When set to SHALLOW, toArray will instead only convert the object itself to an array, all of its properties remain in their original form